【Azure 事件中心】Spring Cloud Stream Event Hubs Binder 发送Event Hub消息遇见 Spec. Rule 1.3 onSubscribe, onNext, onError and onComplete signaled to a Subscriber MUST be signaled serially 异常 - LuBu0505/My-Code GitHub Wiki


开发Java Spring Cloud应用,需要发送消息到Azure Event Hub中。使用 Spring Cloud Stream Event Hubs Binder 依赖,应用执行一会就会遇见报错:reactor.core.publisher.Sinks$EmissionException: Spec. Rule 1.3 - onSubscribe, onNext, onError and onComplete signaled to a Subscriber MUST be signaled serially.


从错误来看,这明显是多线程并发处理时,多个线程同时触发了onSubscribe 或 onNext 或 onError 或 onComplete 事件,而这些事件在与 Subscriber处理时只能一个一个串行处理。

因为SpringCloud的 Controller 并发请求时,会分配多个线程同时调用many.emitNext(),这时如果之前请求线程处理还未结束,新请求的线程会直接这样的报错。


private final Sinks.EmitFailureHandler emitFailureHandler = (signalType, emitResult) -> emitResult.equals(Sinks.EmitFailureHandler.FAIL_FAST);  

Sinks 对 FAIL_FAST 和 FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED的枚举值说明参考:reactor-core/Sinks.java at main · reactor/reactor-core · GitHub

  • FAIL_FAST:表示对失败不会进行任何重试,会马上触发异常处理机制,这里就是抛出EmissionException异常。( A pre-made handler that will not instruct to retry any failure and trigger the failure handling immediately.)
  • FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED:表示会持续重试,直至成功。

如果发送到Event Hub的消息允许丢失,可以通过Try Catch捕获异常后记录日志即可。

但是,如果发送的消息不能丢失,必须成功传递到Event Hub中,就可以使用 FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED 模式。


private final Sinks.EmitFailureHandler emitFailureHandler = (signalType, emitResult) -> emitResult.equals(Sinks.EmitResult.FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED);


ReactorDispatcher: Making sure spec 1.3 is not violated and under race, signals are not lost upon concurrent ClosedChannelException : https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/issues/27320





  • Has successfully emitted the signal / OK, /*
  • Has failed to emit the signal because the sink was previously terminated successfully or with an error / FAIL_TERMINATED, /*
  • Has failed to emit the signal because the sink does not have buffering capacity left / FAIL_OVERFLOW, /*
  • Has failed to emit the signal because the sink was previously interrupted by its consumer / FAIL_CANCELLED, /*
  • Has failed to emit the signal because the access was not serialized / FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED, /*
  • Has failed to emit the signal because the sink has never been subscribed to has no capacity
  • to buffer the signal. */ FAIL_ZERO_SUBSCRIBER;