how to work with repo - Lowcrum/tagmf GitHub Wiki

Tasks to master

Create Dev branch

git checkout -b andrew       # create and checkout in one command

Merge changes in master to personal branch

git checkout andrew       # move to existing branch
git fetch origin          # get changes from github
git merge origin/master   # merge those changes into the current branch (andrew)

Push personal branch to github

git status                # check the branch your on and the files to be included
git add <file>            # verify the files you wish to add
git commit -m '<message>' # add the file changes to the branch
git push origin <branch>  # upload the branch to the project

Submit pull request to master branch

  1. Go to the pull request page and push the green new pull request button
  2. Set base to master and compare to the branch you want to merge
  3. Click big green create pull request button and leave a comment if you want
  4. Click the second big green create pull request button.

Merge Pull request

  1. Pretty straight forward, go to the pull request tab
  2. Click the pull request to merge.
  3. Click merge pull request
  4. Leave a commit if you wish and click confrim merge
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