Feedback Generator - LowKostKustomz/ActionsList GitHub Wiki

FeedbackGenerator's instance is responsible for feedback generation for ActionsList.

It looks if the device supports full, partial or does not support feedback generation at all and depending on this selects which feedback generator to use: HapticFeedbackGenerator or TapticEngine. You do not need to know it's implementation, FeedbackGenerator will select proper generator and do all the work for you.

The only thing you may want to set up is if feedback should be generated or not.

This can be done by setting isEnabled property

FeedbackGenerator.instance.isEnabled = false

Feedback Generator behavior

Apple shortcuts list generates feedback on opening and action highlighting. Below described system list's feedback generator behavior.

ActionsList behaves the same.

iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and later

These devices support Haptic feedback.

Apple's list generates feedback on both, opening and action highlighting.

iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus

These are the only devices that have Taptic engine.

They produce feedback only on list opening.

Other devices

Other devices can only use vibration to generate feedback, but by default list should not produce any feedback on these devices.