BackgroundView - LowKostKustomz/ActionsList GitHub Wiki

There are some background states by default:

  • Normal: all content below actions list but sender view is blurred
  • Reduce Transparency: all content below actions list but sender view is dimmed
  • Old device: if device is too old for producing blur effect then all content below actions list but sender view is dimmed like with Reduce Transparency mode on

ActionsList handles all these states in realtime, so if user turns on/off Reduce Transparency toggle (or your device becomes old .-. ), list will automatically set appropriate background view.


Dimming Background View

You can change dimmed background view background color

ActionsListAppearance.BackgroundView.common.dimmingColor = UIColor.white

Custom Background View

Also you can create your custom background view by implementing ActionsListBackgroundView protocol.

After custom background view is created you can set it like that

ActionsListBackgroundViewBuilder.instance.type = .custom(backgroundView: customBackgroundView)

If custom background view was set then ActionsListBackgroundViewBuilder will ignore reduce transparency mode changes and won't remove your custom background view.

To reset all changes your can use reset method


It will reset your custom background view to default and will start handling blur availability again.