Actions - LowKostKustomz/ActionsList GitHub Wiki

To add action to list you should first create ActionsListDefaultButtonModel's instance

let action = ActionsListDefaultButtonModel(
    localizedTitle: "Action title",
    image: UIImage(named: "Image name"),
    action: { (action) in
        // Perform actions (some examples below)
    isEnabled: true

and add it to list model

list.add(action: action)


Localized title

Text to show in button. Should be localized.


Optional, should be 35x35 for @1x size. Displayed on left or right of the button depending on side actions list was shown in.


Optional, action to perform on .touchUpInside. Passes action model instance.

If action is enabled

Default true, changes button's appearance and if the button can be highlighted. Action called not depending on this property (see examples below).


You can customize action's appearance via the ActionsListDefaultButtonModel's appearance property or edit ActionsListAppearance.Button.common to change default button appearance.

All appearance properties

Highlighted background color

public var highlightedBackgroundColor: UIColor

Used for button's background color when it is highlighted.

Background color

public var backgroundColor: UIColor

Used for normal button's background color.

Tint color

public var tint: UIColor

Used as textColor for title and tintColor for image (if image is in template mode).

Highlighted tint color

public var highlightedTint: UIColor

Tint color used when button is highlighted

Disabled tint color

public var disabledTint: UIColor

Tint color used when button is disabled

Title font

public var font: UIFont

Font used for button's text

Feedback generation

See Feedback Generator for details

Possible actions examples

You can manage list via ActionsListDefaultButtonModel's list property

// To dismiss
    // Dismiss completion

Also you can edit actions

// To change action's appearance
action.list?.reloadActions() // You should call this method to apply changes while showing list. This method does not affect list's appearance.

// To change action availability
action.isEnabled = !action.isEnabled
action.list?.reloadActions() // The same here

You can check if action is enabled to perform action

if action.isEnabled {
    // Perform action