Window - LourencoNeto/FMS GitHub Wiki
Windows Description:
- Function responsible to draw the initial window, where the user type its name to keep the "manager"'s name and proceed with the game
- Function responsible to draw the selection window, where the user will choose the team to be trained (Until now, only teams from the Premier League)
- Function responsible to draw the manager window, where the user can see his/her team player, choose the teamer leader and its formation
- Function responsible to draw the game window, where, until now, only presents your game and its scores. Of course, the clock will be shown, just like a button to stop the game to alter the team, going to the stop_menu. Here, the simulation occurs in the background, providing the scores of the game and, in a soon future, the name of the scorers, players that got yellow or red cards
- Function responsible to draw the stop window, where the user can make subs and/or alter the formation of the team