Rosmerta - LouisB3/Grannus-Expansion-Pack GitHub Wiki



Rosmerta is the inner moon of the planet Epona. Small, frigid, airless, and, in all likelihood, lifeless, Rosmerta doesn't exactly sound like prime real estate. But she seems rather lonely and ignored, so perhaps we should pay the lady a visit.



Bulk parameters
Classification Moon (Epona)
Radius 50 km datum, 51.4 km mean
Mass 1.10203×10^19 kg
Gravitational parameter 7.35499×10^8 m^3/s^2
Mean density 19,420 kg/m^3
Surface gravity 0.03 g
Escape velocity 172 m/s
Bond albedo 0.35
Solar irradiance 14.8 W/m2
Black-body temperature 81 K
Natural satellites N/A
Orbital & rotational parameters
Semimajor axis 17,000 km
Perihelion 15,810 km
Aphelion 18,190 km
Orbit eccentricity 0.07
Orbit inclination 6°, 5.21° to ecliptic
Longitude of ascending node 180°
Argument of periapsis 60°
Sidereal orbit period 16.811 days
Synodic period 17.029 days
Mean orbital velocity 294 m/s
Sidereal rotation period 100.87 hours
Solar day 102.17 hours
Obliquity to orbit
Synchronous orbit altitude not possible
Sphere of influence 813 km
  • Days based on Kerbin solar day of 6 hours.
  • Years based on Kerbin year of 426 six-hour days (2,556 hours total).
  • Ecliptic plane for Grannus is defined by the plane containing Nodens’ orbit.