Visual Studio Code & Jupyter - Louis-udm/Blog GitHub Wiki

VS Code + jupyter


01 jan. 2018


shortcuts for mac os shortcuts frequent vs code shortcuts for mac os

installer des plugins:

  1. Python (microsoft)
  2. Jupyter (Don Jayamanne)
  3. Code Outline (Patryk Zawadzki)
  4. One Dark Pro
  5. vscode-fileheader, utilise: ctrl+opt+i. altinative: topper
  6. Bracket Pair Colorizer
  7. markdownlint
  8. markdown pdf
  9. markdown preview, utilise: cmd+k v
  10. git history
  11. latex Workshop, cmd+shift+p -> latex workshop view latex in new tab


  1. cmd+shift+p, >python: select interpreter #choisir version de python
  2. cmd+shift+O #tout les symbols
  3. ctrl+cliquer function/variable/symboles
  4. rename symbole: sur le symbole, F2
  5. debug: cliquer la gauche du numero de ligne.
  6. cacher le menu: view->changer le menu, pour re afficher: alt
  7. column selection: opt+鼠标点选; opt+shift+鼠标点选或拖动; cmd+opt+上下键,然后shift+左右
  8. opt+上下: 交换行

jupyter dans VS Code:

  1. installer la plugin Jupyter de Don Jayamanne
  2. If you want to run cell with Ctrl+Enter, add those code in keybindings.json. menu->code->preference->raccoucis, add:
{ "key": "ctrl+enter",      "command": "jupyter.execCurrentCell",
                                  "when": "editorTextFocus"
  1. demarrer jupyter notebook dans terminal

  2. connecter jupyter server: cmd+shift+p, >Jupyter: Enter the url of local/remote Jupyter Notebook, enter the token.

  3. new py file, enter:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 20, 100)
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x))
  1. cliquer "Run Cell"


menu->code->preference->raccoucis, add: { "key": "ctrl+alt+i", "command": "extension.addTopHeader", "when": "editorTextFocus"}


  1. vscode
  2. python on vs code
  3. Jupyter for VS code
  4. Jupyter: Getting Started

test LaTex in mac: $$f(z)=\int_{i=1}^{100} \frac{x^2}{y} $$