How To Use - LoucaColes/UnityScreenshotTool GitHub Wiki

To use this tool, simply attach the ScreenCaptureTool component to any game object in the scene, or use the prefab provided. Once there is an object with the component attached you can enter the various settings. These settings can be reset, by clicking the reset button. If you want to take screenshots in editor all you have to do is click the Take Screenshot button, however, if you want to take them in game you will need to access the singleton via ScreenCaptureTool.instance and call the Take Screenshot function. The Take Screenshot function has different variations, this means you can pass in specific settings that you want to use and the ones you don't pass in refer to the defaults set in the components inpsector.


  • File Name - This is the name of the file when its saved to the system (NB. you don't need to add the file extenstion as that is handled for you)
  • Up Scale - This is how much the image size is multiplied by when taken (NB. This can cause performance issues when set high)
  • Use Time - This adds the systems time to the end of the file name
  • File Type - This determine the file extension that is added to the end of the file name