NetworkIDInfo - LorenData/ECGrid-API GitHub Wiki

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public partial class NetworkIDInfo {
        public int NetworkID {get;set;}
        public string Name {get;set;}
        public string Location {get;set;}
        public string AdminContact {get;set;}
        public string AdminPhone {get;set;}
        public string AdminEMail {get;set;}
        public DateTime LastContact {get;set;}
        public NetworkType Type {get;set;}
        public Status Status {get;set;}
        public NetworkRunStatus RunStatus {get;set;}
        public NetworkStatus NetworkStatus {get;set;}
        public bool ECGridAccount {get;set;}
        public int OwnerUserID {get;set;}
        public int RoutingUserID {get;set;}
        public int ErrorsUserID {get;set;}
        public int InterconnectsUserID {get;set;}
        public int NoticesUserID {get;set;}
        public int ReportsUserID {get;set;}
        public int AccountingUserID {get;set;}
        public int CustomerServiceUserID {get;set;}
        public string HomeWebsite {get;set;}
        public string SupportWebsite {get;set;}
        public string LoginWebsite {get;set;}
        public DateTime Created {get;set;}
        public DateTime Modified {get;set;}
        public NetworkLog LastLog {get;set;}
        public NetworkOwnerInfo OwnerInfo {get;set;}
        public NetworkNetOpsInfo NetOpsInfo {get;set;}

Public Properties

  • NetworkID - Integer: The NetworkID assigned to a Network on ECGrid.
  • Name - String: The descriptive name of the Network.
  • Location - String: The address of the Network.
  • AdminContact - String: The name of the Network's administrative contact.
  • AdminPhone - String: The phone number for the Network's administrative contact.
  • AdminEMail - String: The email address of the Network's administrative contact.
  • LastContact - DateTime: The last date/time there was activity on this Network or the channel process checked in.
  • Type - Enum NetworkType: A public descriptor of the Network type, (e.g. Network, Router). A more detailed value is available to owners in the OwnerInfo subclass.
  • Status - Enum Status: A numeric value representing the entry's status.
  • RunStatus - Enum NetworkRunStatus: A numeric value representing the entry's current running status.
  • NetworkStatus - Enum NetworkStatus: Indicates operational status and outage condition.
  • ECGridAccount - Boolean: Flag to identify if this is an ECGrid Account.
  • OwnerUserID - Integer: A UserIDInfo ID to represent the owner user of this network.
  • RoutingUserID - Integer: A UserIDInfo ID to represent the routing user of this network.
  • ErrorsUserID - Integer: A UserIDInfo ID to represent the error user of this network.
  • InterconnectsUserID - Integer: A UserIDInfo ID to represent the interconnect user of this network.
  • NoticesUserID - Integer: A UserIDInfo ID to represent the notice user of this network.
  • ReportsUserID - Integer: A UserIDInfo ID to represent the report user of this network.
  • AccountingUserID - Integer: A UserIDInfo ID to represent the accounting user of this network.
  • CustomerServiceUserID - Integer: A UserIDInfo ID to represent the customer service user of this network.
  • HomeWebsite - String: Uniform Resource Locator: a specific web home page or file on the internet for this network.
  • SupportWebsite - String: Uniform Resource Locator: a specific web support page or file on the internet for this network.
  • LoginWebsite - String: Uniform Resource Locator: a specific web login page or file on the internet for this network.
  • Created - DateTime: The DateTime this network was created in UTC.
  • Modified - DateTime: The DateTime this network was last modified in UTC.
  • LastLog - Object NetworkLog: Latest log entry for this Network
  • OwnerInfo - Object NetworkOwnerInfo: The OwnerInfo object is only returned if the current UserID has sufficient ownership rights to this entry; otherwise, a value of Nothing is returned for this object.
  • NetOpsInfo - Object NetworkNetOpsInfo: A NetOpsInfo object to of this network.

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