InterconnectNote Class - LorenData/ECGrid-API GitHub Wiki
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public partial class InterconnectNote {
public int InterconnectID {get;set;}
public int InterconnectNoteID {get;set;}
public DateTime NoteDate {get;set;}
public StatusInterconnect Status {get;set;}
public string PostedBy {get;set;}
public int UserID {get;set;}
public string MailTo {get;set;}
public string Note {get;set;}
public NoteAttachment Attachment {get;set;}
Public Properties
- InterconnectID - Integer: The value assigned to a specific Interconnect request.
- InterconnectNoteID - Integer: The serial number assigned to the specific Interconnect Note.
- NoteDate - DateTime: The date/time the Note was posted to the system (UTC).
- Status - Enum StatusInterconnect: A numeric value representing the Interconnect's status.
- PostedBy - String: The name of the person or system that posted the note.
- UserID - Integer: The UserID for the user account that posted the note. If posted by the system, the UserID will equal zero (0).
- MailTo - String: The list of e-mail addresses the note was sent to.
- Note - String: The text of the Note itself.
- Attachment - Object NoteAttachment: the note attachment object associated with this note.
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