ECGridOS API 64‐bit Update - LorenData/ECGrid-API GitHub Wiki
ECGridOS API Update to 64-bit
To further enhance our service platform and API support, the ECGrid team is implementing updates to our existing APIs. These changes will require minor adjustments to your current integration. We ask that you complete these modifications by October 1st, 2024, to avoid any service disruption.
Actions Required by October 1, 2024
ECGridOS API Integrated Users: You must update the API scripts/calls which include ParcelID, InterchangeID, and ObjectID, to 64-bit Integer. This change will be effective across every function call and every class object where ParcelID, InterchangeID, and ObjectID are included in your implementation.
Example Changes:
- Current version of InterchangeIDInfo: InterchangeID is a 32-bit Integer
- New Version of InterchangeIDInfo: InterchangeID is a 64-bit integer
Here is a list of affected API calls and Objects. We strongly recommend you also review all of the API calls you have implemented on your network. You can find them here:
Class Object Changes
- CallBackQueueIDInfo Object - CallBackQueueID from Int to Long (int64), ObjectID from Int to Long(int64)
- CallBackLogInfo Object - CallBackLogID from Int to Long (int64)
- InterchangeIDInfo Object - InterchangeID from Int to Long (int64)
- ManifestInfo Object - InterchangeID from Int to Long (int64), ParcelID Long(int64)
- ParcelIDInfo Object - ParcelID - Long(int64), Included InterchangeIDInfo - InterchangeID from Int to Long (int64)
API Calls
- CallBackQueueInfo - Parameter
- CallBackTest - Parameter
- InterchangeCancel - Parameter
- InterchangeInfo - Parameter
- InterchangeManifest - Parameter
- InterchangeResend - Parameter
- KeyGet - Parameter
- KeyList - Parameter
- KeyRemove - Parameter
- KeySet - Parameter
- KeySetMinutes - Parameter
As always, please contact ECGrid Support, ([email protected]) with any questions!