02 Solution Concept and Final Vision - LordMrMittens/Bit-London GitHub Wiki

1. High Concept

Bit London is a "serious" simulation game set in a voxel version of London. The player controls a visitor to the city on their journey to enlighten themselves with history and facts about the city.

Inspired by art made by Scarradura (2021), Chahin (2016), and Mario is Missing, an old educational game (The Software Toolworks, 1993), players must explore key landmarks around the city, gather facts relevant to them, and answer a quiz on each "map." Once this quiz is successfully completed, they will receive a promotional code for use in a local business in that area once they visit in person.

There will be a website to market the game in addition to the video game. Players will be able to play the game and learn more about it on the website. There will also be a photo and video gallery with all of the major landmarks, as well as additional historical information. Furthermore, gamers can put what they have learned to the test by taking quizzes and posting their best timings and scores on a leader board.

The project aims to get visitors to know facts and history about the city of London and promote local commerce.

London voxel art Big Ben voxel art

2. Target Audience

Tourists, Students, Internet users, People excited to come out of lockdown, Educators, Ages 14-45.

3. Interaction mode(s)

Instructing - by clicking on a relevant landmark or building on the maps, the player can access a dialogue window that will contain key facts about that particular landmark, things like Year built, purpose and fun facts, and stories, I.E., the monarchs being locked in the Tower of London.

Conversing, when the player interacts with an N.P.C., depending on the N.P.C., they could have a conversation via dialogue tree or access a quiz in which they react to the N.P.C.'s questions. In addition, the N.P.C.'s can give players quests around the city, which could range from visiting a certain amount of buildings or finding their lost items or where a particular historical personality was born or died or did something notable.

Exploring - something about exploring the city

4. Interface metaphor(s)

The game will use an interface metaphor, it will use a mini-map that will show the player's current location in the city. This will also help players in orienting themselves within the game world.

5. Interface paradigm(s)

Top-down point and click style game with dialogue trees that can be accessed through the website. the game will be a separate product that is downloaded from the website

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) - (menus, colours, layout, typography, and other design elements.)

Multimedia - Photo & Video Gallery, Internal links

6. References

Scandurra, A., 2021. I Made London in Voxel Art. [online] Reddit.com. Available at: https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/n0h3b9/i_made_london_in_voxel_art/ [Accessed 22 October 2021].

Chahin, M., 2016. Low poly Big Ben. [image] Available at: https://dribbble.com/shots/2883582-Low-poly-Big-Ben [Accessed 22 October 2021].

  1. Gardens of the lost city. [image] Available at: https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0e/7b/05/20/a-map-of-the-grounds.jpg [Accessed 22 October 2021].

The Software Toolworks (1993) Mario is Missing. [Cartridge] Nintendo Entertainment System. U.S.A.: The Software Toolworks.