01 Ideas and Concepts Brainstorming - LordMrMittens/Bit-London GitHub Wiki


  • Website promoting a sci fi movie

Could include factoids about movie Could have minigames Promotional artwork and sales of posters Sales of merchandise Contact us section

  • Game promoting tourism

Simple charming graphics Point and click adventure Promotional elements from local businessess Quiz game

Could have quests for the player

  • Horror game promoting film

Game could be played online Plenty of jump scares Dares players to go see the movie Players could earn vouchers for treats at the cinema Information about main characters

  • Sales website

Inspired by Etsy Local artists

Game promoting London tourism


You are a tourist in the city of London, walk around and visit key tourist locations read facts and complete trivia about those locations


  • Separate map for each tourist location

  • Map is overhead but when player reaches a location it zooms in to show a photograph where the player can move and talk to NPC

  • If player talks to guide NPC in an info booth for example, they are provided with a link they can click to go to a website for more info about that particular location

  • If Players walk to the edge of a section they can go to a different section of London

  • Point and click controls

  • Website to go along with game

  • Game could be played in browser using WEB-GL

  • Could be a mobile game

  • Players can be shown a link they can click to go to a website for more info about that particular location

Assets needed


The Gherkin

Big ben / parliament

London eye

Buckingham palace

Westminster abbey

Oxford circus

Tower Of London

Tower Bridge

The Shard


Red London booths

Red double decker buses

Black cabbies

Tube signs

Tube (moving underground)




Queens guard

Cockney guy


Gentleman with top hat

Guy with umbrella

Beefeater guard

Train conductor

Scripts needed

Point and click movement


Transition between areas of London

Quiz system

Dialogue system

Rewards system


Record keeping of quizzes done

Clickable objects must be clear to players

Isometric view



Registration page

Contact us page