Frequently Asked Questions - Lord-Akkrand/Skyrim-NX-Toolkit GitHub Wiki

How do I get CFW on my Switch?

  • Follow this guide.

Does this work with a physical copy?

  • Yes, this works with both physical and digital.

Do SKSE mods work?

  • No and they never will.

Does MCM work?

  • No, that requires SKSE.

Does someone have X mod ported they can share?

  • No mods are to be shared unless the original author has given permission to upload on Nexus!

How do I fix the infinite load screen issue?

  • If using USSEP and a children overhaul mod that has not been updated by the author it will cause infinite loads.
  • Disable auto save when fast traveling in your game settings.

Why is my game lagging when I'm around a lot of trees?

  • There is a bug in the game engine, the more plugins you have the more lag you will suffer when you're in a area full of trees.
  • Overclocking your Switch can help with this issue. Download SysClk and SysClkEditor

How do I change the default texture size? (2K, 1K, 512).

  • The toolkit will resize your textures based on what you specify. Open settings.ini and change defaultsizelimit to 1048576 for 1K (default), 4194304 for 2K and 262144 for 512.

The toolkit said a texture failed to convert, how do I fix this?


Error During Conversion of d:\programs\skyrimmodding\skyrim-nx-toolkit-master\mrrobot_convertedandpacked\textures\billyro\soulgemstand\

  • Please locate the file in error and let us know in the #help section.

What is the difference between the Clobber option and the Clean version in zMerge?

  • (From Mator) Clobber works by copying records as overrides, "Clobbering" the plugins that were merged off of the merge's masters, and then allowing xEdit to "clamp" the formIDs and references to the new FormID ordinal, just happens to cause everything to line up. Clean works by copying records as new records and then fixing every reference in the merge to point to the new versions of the records in the merge instead of the plugins that were merged, then using xEdit's CleanMasters function to remove the masters.

What is the difference between the the py_ versions of the scripts and the non py_ versions.

  • The py_ versions can be more up to date, however it requires Python 3.X since it hasn't been packaged into an exe using PyInstaller. The py_ version also lets you make edits to certain aspects of the scripts.

What edits can be done with the py_ version?

  • For example, you can edit to add rules for texture resizing. If you want a certain path to be 2K, you can set a rule.

How do I use the py_ version?

  • Simply look at the scripts, instead of using convert_mod for example you can use py_convert_mod.

How can I speed up the conversion process?

  • Inside the root of your toolkit you will find setting.ini, you can open this and change the thread count to speed up the process up. 1 thread=how many files are being converted at once. Be careful with setting high thread counts, it can cause issues!

  • You can also turn on multiprcoessing by setting multiprocessing = False to multiprocessing = True. If you don't have a powerful processor or if you use VM I'd keep this option off.

When converting mods, can I mix and match converted mods and non converted?

  • Yes, the toolkit will skip files that are already converted.

The toolkit said a file could not be found, why?


Found 0 dds files to convert

Found 0 32-bit hkx files to convert

Found 0 64-bit hkx files to convert

Found 0 txt files to convert

Found 0 sound files to convert

  • Remove any spaces or symbols on the mod folder name. Do NOT change anything inside that folder. Your directory should be MODNAME>(MOD FILES INSIDE) NOT MOD NAME>(MOD FILES INSIDE).

Why am I getting "Could not apply rule for" error?

  • The most common reason is because you created a mod folder and kept the "Data" folder. Take the contents out of the Data folder and delete the Data folder. Please notify us in the #help section if any other rules don't apply.

How do I fix MSVCR100.dll error?

I can't find the Creation Kit to extract HavocBehaviourPostProcess.exe for my animations! Can you just add it to the toolkit?

I have a 64 bit animation that failed to convert, how do I fix this?

  • The toolkit can't handle 64 bit behavior animations or skeletons. Source out the same mod from Oldrim (Skyrim Legendary Edition), replace the 64 bit animation with the Oldrim animation.

Do I need Skyrim SE to merge plugins? (.esp, .esm).

  • In order to use zMerge you need to own Skyrim SE on PC.

Why is the toolkit marking .esp directory's to be deleted?!

  • This is part of the cleanup process to reduce unnecessary space. It is crucial to include the .esp and .esm files with your mods before converting! If you don't it will delete files you need.