GKM Meeting 2. 2020 June 17 - Loop3D/GKM GitHub Wiki

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  1. Welcome
  2. Roundtable
  3. Technical discussion
  4. Next steps


  1. Welcome
    • Note alternating meeting times and list of future meetings.
  2. Roundtable
    • WP0 (Roy T): progress made on linking especially WP2 and WP3
    • WP2 (Mark J): model results shown from movement of data from WP2 (map2loop) to WP3 (LoopStruc, Geomodeller)
    • WP1
      • Semantic Db (Will F, David L): incremental progress on semantic db and GKM infrastructure
      • Consistency Checker (Marion P): progress on implementation in GEODE, soon to start testing
      • Geoscience Ontology (Boyan B, Steve R)
        • GKM repo open to invitees (email Boyan or Steve)
        • draft initial documentation, ontology, and examples available
      • Other (Gautier): to assess GKM repo for potential use
  3. Technical discussion
    • WP1 (Steve R): petrophysics module drafted, work ongoing. Need to reconcile and link different types of data:
      • global summary values for lithology physical properties (e.g. mag susceptibility, density)
      • regional summary values for above
      • formation summary values for above
      • rock observation values for above
  4. Next steps

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