Extracting game files - Longi94/rl-loadout GitHub Wiki

Rocket League uses Unreal and meshes and textures can be extracted from upk files using UModel (https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel). Make sure you have the latest version to have support for decrypting files.

Item db

You can use bakkesmod (http://bakkesmod.com/) to extract a list of all RL items. This makes it easier to find a specific item since item name can be different from the file name.

  1. Open Rocket League with Bakkesmod running
  2. Press F6 to bring up the console.
  3. Run the dumpitems command.
  4. This creates an items.csv file under rocketleague\Binaries\Win32


  1. Find the product name of the bnody in the items.csv. In case of the Fennec, it's body_grain (with the Product_TA ProductsDB.Products. prefix.
  2. Run UE Viewer with the following flags. It will take a few seconds for it to read all the files for the first time:
umodel.exe -path=<RL install path>\TAGame\CookedPCConsole -game=rocketleague -uc
  1. The -uc flag is for extracting unreal scripts that contain information about sockets (e.g. topper position on cars).
  2. Once it opens, search for body_grain.
  3. There will be two results, one that ends in _SF and one that ends in _T_SF. The _T_SF files contain the thumbnail images of items. Select body_grain_SF.upk and click on Export. This will export any assets found in that file.
    1. If the thumbnail is missing from the bucket, go ahead and export that too.
  4. You can find the exported files in the export folder. Open an upk file by double clicking on it in UE Viewer, then click on Tools > Open export folder.