Lua Script API : Deprecated Functions - Lokitot/FNF-SoulEngine GitHub Wiki
Note : These functions are NOT meant to be used anymore, as they have all been replaced by something newer. They only still exist in Psych Engine for backwards compatibility.
objectPlayAnimation(obj:String, name:String, forced:Bool = false, ?startFrame:Int = 0)
Plays an object animation. Predecessor of playAnim
characterPlayAnim(character:String, anim:String, ?forced:Bool = false)
Plays a character animation. Predecessor of playAnim
luaSpriteMakeGraphic(tag:String, width:Int, height:Int, color:String)
Makes a Lua graphic. Predecessor of makeGraphic
luaSpriteAddAnimationByPrefix(tag:String, name:String, prefix:String, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = true)
Adds an animation to an animated sprite. Predecessor of addAnimationByPrefix
luaSpriteAddAnimationByIndices(tag:String, name:String, prefix:String, indices:String, framerate:Int = 24)
Adds the specified animation indices to a Lua sprite. Predecessor of addAnimationByIndices
luaSpritePlayAnimation(tag:String, name:String, forced:Bool = false)
Plays a Lua sprite animation. Predecessor of objectPlayAnimation
setLuaSpriteCamera(tag:String, camera:String = '')
Sets a Lua sprite's camera. Predecessor of setObjectCamera
setLuaSpriteScrollFactor(tag:String, scrollX:Float, scrollY:Float)
Sets a Lua sprite's scroll factor. Predecessor of setScrollFactor
scaleLuaSprite(tag:String, x:Float, y:Float)
Scales a Lua sprite. Predecessor of scaleObject
getPropertyLuaSprite(tag:String, variable:String)
Gets a property of a Lua sprite. Predecessor of getProperty
setPropertyLuaSprite(tag:String, variable:String, value:Dynamic)
Sets a property of a Lua sprite. Predecessor of setProperty
musicFadeIn(duration:Float, fromValue:Float = 0, toValue:Float = 1)
Fades music in. What music is unknown since there is not even a tag parameter. Predecessor of soundFadeIn
musicFadeOut(duration:Float, toValue:Float = 0)
Fades music out. What music is unknown since there is not even a tag parameter. Predecessor of soundFadeOut