Setup - Lokiedu/libertysoil-site GitHub Wiki

LibertySoil Setup

Currently there's more than one way to get the application up and running locally for development:


This project uses Docker Compose as primary means of setting up a development environment as well as for deployment.


In order to get things rolling make sure to have at least Docker 1.8 installed (official Docker installation guide) and run these commands to set up Docker Compose (version 1.4.2):

$ sudo su -c "curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/bin/docker-compose"
$ chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose

Docker containers initiated by Docker Compose:

  • NginX Proxy
  • LibertySoil master application
  • Redis memory cache container
  • PostgreSQL DB container


Once you have Docker Engine and Docker Compose installed, clone the libertysoil-site repository, navigate to the root of the repo in your terminal and run:

$ docker-compose --file docker-compose.yml up -d

What this will do is to retrieve all 4 docker containers, set them up, and initiate them.

Once the machine is up and running make sure to edit your hosts file and add the following entry:

Now simply visit the aforementioned domain in your browser.


If you plan to use on your hosts file a different domain from the one included in the docker-compose.yml file, be sure to update the configuration accordingly by changing the line which reads:

- ""


- "VIRTUAL_HOST=[your.development.domain]"

(where [your.development.domain] should be replaced by the domain you plan to use)

Be sure to try the previous specially if you get a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error from NginX.


If the application is giving you back-end problems you can access the logs for each of the different containers initiated by running Docker Compose.

To find out the name of a container run:

$ docker ps -a

You should get an output which looks like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  ... NAMES
13737edc4b16        jwilder/nginx-proxy                    ... current_web_1
2ccd07aa5ea0   ... current_app_1
1f958b28db64        redis:3.0                              ... current_redis_1
bd3fbc2b613f        postgres:9.4                           ... current_db_1

once you have the container name (current_app_1 fore xample) simply run:

$ docker logs current_app_1


We have included a Vagrant container based off of VagrantEasy.

It runs Ubuntu 14.04 and installs everything necessary for the application to be run from within the container, but with access to the repository files from a shared folder on your host machine.


In order to use the VagrantEasy container you must have installed:

In order to setup the application using the provided VagrantEasy container you have to clone both the libertysoil-site and the libertysoil-vagrant repositories to the same folder.


Once you have cloned both the libertysoil-site and the libertysoil-vagrant repositories to the same folder, navigate to the libertysoil-vagrant repo folder from the terminal and run:

$ vagrant up

Note: Depending on the available Vagrant images on your machine, this process might take a while to complete if Vagrant has to download the Ubuntu 14.04 image.

Now you can start an ssh session by running:

$ vagrant ssh

Once logged in, navigate to /var/www/libertysoil-site/current folder and run:

$ sudo npm install -g babel babel-eslint eslint eslint-plugin-react gulp nodemon knex
$ npm install

Warning: If host machine is running Windows you must do a little extra setup for npm install command to work correctly. Follow the instructions on this post to fix Vagrant in Windows issues:

Use gulp to build the assets (styles, fonts, etc):

$ gulp build

Before running the application make sure to create the appropriate user credentials for the app in PostgreSQL:

$ sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-9.4 postgresql-contrib-9.4 libpq-dev
$ sudo su - postgres
postgres@libertysoil:~$ createuser libertysoil
postgres@libertysoil:~$ psql
postgres=# \password libertysoil
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE libertysoil;
postgres=# \q
postgres@libertysoil:~$ exit

Now run the LibertySoil application by issuing the command:

$ npm start

Note: This will also run migrations

Once the machine and app are up and running make sure to edit your hosts file (in your host machine) and add the following entry:

and visit the aforementioned url in the browser.


If you wish to use a different ip address and/or development domain, edit the pertinent configurations found within the config\development.yml file and update your hosts file accordingly.

If you change the config\development.yml file while the Vagrant container is running, you must run:

$ vagrant destroy
$ vagrant up

You can power off the vagrant machine while not being used, to save resources, by running:

$ vagrant halt

You can suspend the machine, saving it's current state and freeing up resources, by running:

$ vagrant suspend

Local (Manual)


  • Redis 3.0
  • Postgres 9.4
  • NodeJS (4.2.1 is actively used by developers now)


Before running the application make sure to create the appropriate user credentials for the app in PostgreSQL:

$ sudo su - postgres
postgres$ createuser libertysoil
postgres$ psql
postgres=# \password libertysoil
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE libertysoil;
postgres=# \q
postgres@libertysoil:~$ exit

Navigate to libertysoil-site root folder and install node dependencies by running:

$ sudo npm install -g babel babel-eslint eslint eslint-plugin-react gulp nodemon knex
$ npm install

Use gulp to build the assets (styles, fonts, etc):

$ gulp build

Now run the LibertySoil application by issuing the command:

$ npm start

App should now be available at http://localhost:8000