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Welcome to the Loj Hadron Collider wiki!

If you're just looking to get started with the Loj Hadron Collider, look no further than the Quick Start Guide.

Otherwise, the rest of the wiki is listed here in recommended reading order. These can be seen as loosely-structured "layers" within the Loj Hadron Collider's API; you'll typically start with System functions, then Interfaces, and work your way downwards through the stack.

System Functions

System functions are generally for setup and configuration. You should read this page before you do anything else with the Loj Hadron Collider.


The core of the Loj Hadron Collider, Interfaces allow for robust assignment of both collision checks and collision API. You must define some interfaces and assign them to objects before any other part of the Loj Hadron Collider will be of use to you.

Object Level Functions

Object-level functions are what you'll be using most in object events such as Create and Step. This is where you activate the Loj Hadron Collider for objects, assign collisions, and move your objects.

Collision Event Functions

Collision event functions are for use inside collision events (back at the object level), giving robust control over object behavior and granting quick access to collision variables like the colliding instance and collision direction.

Collision Behaviors

Collision behaviors are a set of collision event functions designed for convenience and example. You'll likely want to fully program your own collision events, but these are a great starting point if you're getting familiar with the Loj Hadron Collider.