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В чём разница между MVCController и WebAPIController

(в разрезе WebAPI 2.0)

  1. API Controllers decouples code from serialization of results: API:
    public EventModel GetEvents(int quoteId, string market , string quote , int? pageNumber = null, int? pageSize = null) 
        var model = _eventsManager.GetEvents(quoteId, market, quote ,pageNumber, pageSize); 
        return model; 
  2. Content negotiation: Components called formatters serializes the data returned to the client. They are automatically selected based on the content of the Accept header of the incoming request. You can either use built- in formatter such as: JSON and Xml or replace them by modifying the configuration. Web API will resolve our objects to the suitable format using content negotiation. or actions that don’t match with one of those verbs, the default verb supported will be “POST”. Thus, we have to decorate all the actions that don’t meet with this naming conventions by one of the following attributes:
    • HttpGet
    • HttpPut
    • HttpPost
    • HttpDelete
    MVC Controllers by default dispatch actions by name. A specific action name in a controller will directly map to the URL. MVC
    Action Result Behavior
    ContentResult Sends raw data to the browser. It serialize any content it receives.
    FileContentResult Sends the content of the file to the browser.
    FileStreamResult Sends the content of the file to the browser (which is represented using Stream object).
    HttpNotFoundResult Sends HTTP 404 response code (Resource was not found).
    HttpUnauthorizedResult Sends HTTP 401 response code (Unauthorized request).
    JavaScriptResult Sends JavaScript content to the browser.
    JsonResult Sends JSON result to the browser.
    ViewResult Send HTML content to the browser and represents a page view.
    PartialResult Sends HTML content to the browser that represents a part of the whole page view.
    Method Behavior
    BadRequest Returns an HTTP 400 (“Bad Request”)
    Conflict Returns an HTTP 409 (“Conflict”)
    Content Returns Content (which is automatically negotiated or specified by the developer as media type formatter or content type)
    Created Returns an HTTP 201
    InternalServerError Returns an HTTP 500 (“Internal Server Error”)
    Json Returns an HTTP 200 (“OK”) and provides the content formatted in JSON
    NotFound Returns an HTTP 404 (“Not Found”)
    Ok Returns an HTTP 200 (“OK”)
    Redirect Returns an HTTP 302 (“Found”)
    ResponseMessage Returns the provided HttpResponseMessage
    StatusCode Returns a response with provided HTTP status code and an empty response body
    Unauthorized Returns an HTTP 401 (“Unauthorized)
    HTTP Verbs Web API Controllers by default dispatch to actions by HTTP verbs. Action names will start with one of the verb names (GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE). For instance, Get, GetBooks, and GetById will map to the verb name “GET”.
  3. Hosting

While MVC controllers can be consumed as services and do anything with additional coding, its main purpose is to build web HTML applications with some Ajax functions returning JSON data. On the other hand, Web API 2.0 is dedicated and specialized with transferring data and will be the optimal choice and the suitable development model that makes it easy to build RESTful services interface to different clients running on different platforms.

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