Hotend adjustment with SKR boards and LCD display - Lob0426/Adaptrboard GitHub Wiki
Note: Setting nozzle height; If you have been setting your nozzle height the old Printrbot way, with an SKR Board, STOP. Forget the plastic block and gcode commands, there is a better way.
Set it up like an Ender 3, Prusa or other manual leveling bed. Take a piece of paper and turn the leadscrew down, by hand, until you just feel resistance when sliding it under the nozzle. Best if you do this at temperature, I use 200C. Now adjust your induction probe until the LED just lights up, without moving the Z axis, then tighten the probe in place. You will be very close to the right print height already. Then once you start a print you will get a new menu item "TUNE". Under there you will see "Baby Step Z" while it is printing you can adjust up or down to get the right first layer height. You can have your printer laying down perfectly in mere minutes! Remember to hit "Store Settings" to save your Baby Step adjustments.
I am sure many of you already knew this, but some don't that are new to these boards. It is just another reason the SKR boards and a more modern Marlin, LCD are great. And another reason to upgrade in my opinion.