Firmware and Bootloader - Lob0426/Adaptrboard GitHub Wiki

This page under construction, it might take some time to finish this. Help would be appreciated.

To upgrade to the SKR boards, from the Printrboard's, you need a Firmware that has the right settings to operate that particular board and your printers installed hardware. Many of these can be found here Printrbot Adaptrboard.

The SKR boards come with a Bootloader installed. This makes the "Flashing" of the board very easy to do. You find the right firmware for your board, and its installed hardware, copy it to the Micro SD card and install it in the Motherboards Micro SD card slot. Then you power up the printer (or just the board) and let it update. This normally takes 10 to 15 seconds. Then remove the MicroSD card from the motherboard. If you plan on using this card in the printer, remove the "firmware.bin" file from the card. If you don't, it will update every time you power on the printer. This is not good for the life of the FLASH storage and slows down your printer from being ready to use. You cannot use the SD card or USB ports on the TFT display to perform these updates. The card must be in the Motherboards MicroSD card port!

If you have some non-standard hardware you may need to "Roll your own" firmware or find someone to do it for you. There are a lot of settings that can be changed to accommodate different hardware. That will be what needs to be written here for further information. There are some good video's about SKR boards and firmware!

3D MakeIt

I have been using VSCode with PlatformIO installed. This takes care of most all of the dependencies needed to build your firmware. You do have open each part in order or it will give you a headache. Watch the video and do it along with it. Once you get it working right you can make changes as you need, then build. It will open ready as long as you do not close any of the folders.

If your not too familiar with firmware you can start by compare and change. Compare Philip Mally's Config.h and Config.adv.h and make those changes. Most of the time you cannot just paste the configs as there are constant changes to the Marlin repository. Once you have done that then make the specific changes that your machine needs. You will need to download the Marlin repo.

Another way I have cheated is download the BigTreeTech repository, then change it's configs, by comparing them to Philip's and making the necessary changes. Now you have the right board and display settings already. Then you just need to change PID'S for the hotend and bed, stepper directions, probe and other Printrbot specific settings.

to be continued.