Connectors - Lob0426/Adaptrboard GitHub Wiki

Common to Bigtreetech SKR boards.

Connector type; JST-XH 2.54mm : Example: JST-XH connector set on Amazon

The Connectors on Printrbots are Molex(white) and Dupont(Black). To switch over to the SKR boards these have to be replaced or adapted to JST-XH connectors. There are several methods to accomplish this.

  1. The Adaptrboard set adapts the Printrbot connectors to the SKR. They are a set of boards with incoming and outgoing terminals. The outgoing side plugs in from the Printrbot appropriate components plugs (X axis, Y axis, Z axis, Hotend etc.). The incoming side is to the SKR board you chose. The incoming side has short extensions (100mm about 4") between the SKR board and the Adaptrboards. (The Adaptrboard project is now gone, you will have to use one of the other methods)

  2. Manually replace the Molex and Dupont connectors with JST-XH connectors by cutting, stripping and crimping wires. 27 to 29 (1 fan, the hotend and the heated bed go into screw block and just need cutting and stripping) wires depending on whether you have a heated bed or not. Plus more if you have LEDS, NEOPixel, extra switches.

  3. Another method would be to buy JST-XH 2.54mm Male wired cable connectors. Then cut, strip and solder and cover with shrink tube. This is probably as time consuming as crimping in the end. For some this is easier than crimping all those small pins to wires.

Of all these methods the cheapest is to crimp your own, the easiest is to buy the Adaptrboards and the most expensive is to solder them up. The Adaptrboards also have the advantage in they address the induction probe without having to wire in additional components. But if you are in a hurry and want to upgrade now, these are your options. Adaptrboard project is dead