BigTreeTech SKR Mini E3 V1.2 specs - Lob0426/Adaptrboard GitHub Wiki

The Bigtreetech SKR Mini E3 Mini V1.2 board This board was designed as a direct replacement part for the Creality Ender 3 series of 3D Printers. It's size and layout match the Creality 1.1.4 and Creality 1.1.5 boards plus add extra connectors for TFT, NEOPixel, Filament runout sensor, BLTouch (servo connector), and extra fans

Specifications: Size: 100mm * 70.25mm

ARM Cortex-M3 CPU @ 75Mhz 256Kb documented available Flash (512 undocumented), 48K RAM.

Voltage: 12v or 24V operation depending on PSU, Hotend and Heated Bed unit used.

Logic: 5V

Drivers: Integrated TMC2209 drivers UART mode

Motor drive interfaces: X Axis, Y Axis, Z Axis, Extruder 0 (single extruder board)

Temperature Sensor interface: TH0, THB, 2 channel 100K NTC (thermal resistance)

Displays supported: 2.8"TFT, 3.5"TFT, Ender 3 original (CR10 display) LCD 12864 display

PC Communication interface: Mini USB type B @ 115200baud

File format: G-code

Micro SD Card port.

The Majority of the Connectors are JST-XH 2.54mm. The TFT is Dupont connectors and most the rest are screw down block connectors.

Recommended software: CURA, Simplify3D, Pronterface, Repetier-host, Makerware.

Note: This is a Single Z, single extruder, single hotend, heated bed board. A newer version SKR Mini E3 V2.0 board It has connectors for 2 Z axis steppers and electronics fixes and additions. It also has only has 1 extruder and 1 hotend connectors. It was announced early May 2020.