Path Support - loathers/autoscend GitHub Wiki
Path Support
autoscend is focused on actively supporting Standard, the current Challenge path, and Actually Ed the Undying. However many older paths still work and even receive the occasional update.
Path Details
Note below that some path numbers are skipped. that is because those paths were never released
Casual Works. Has a problem where it will use all your crappy waiter disguises to acquire unnamed cocktails in copperhead club so you should manually closet those at the start of the run.
48. Legacy of Loathing
Basic support is complete. Will pick IOTM as you unlock them. More work to do to fully support these older IOTM. Suggest picking Sauceror as they have excellent MP regen with Curse of Weaksauce
47. Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing
Will purchase skills and use them appropriately in and out of combat. Can uncurse cursed items if the user chooses to via preference. If not relatively high shiny, this path will be difficult regarding MP regen.
46. Fall of the Dinosaurs
Should run with limited issues with combat support for path specific peculiarities.
45. Journeyman
Should run with limited issues. May need to manually adventure in some off-path locations to get certain skills that really help Autoscend. See Journeyman Skill Sheet for where you may want to manually adventure.
44. Grey You
No support. Use one of the dedicated Grey You scripts, such as loop-gyou
43. Wildfire
For Softcore, it is recommended to have 1,970 Carat Gold in your storage. We'll pull it and autosell to easily pay for needed watering upgrades. Otherwise we would have to waste 5 pulls to get meat directly to do so.
For Hardcore, we do not recommend running autoscend on this path if you have a new account. IOTM's will help survive until 5k meat is reached to grease the pump.
42. Quantum Terrarium
Runs path mostly without interruption. Does not use Q.F.I.D.M.A.
41. You, Robot
40. Grey Goo
does not do anything. just lets you know how many days are left (you automatically finish it on day 3 regardless of what you do. can do a 0 adv run)
39. Low Key Summer
Should run without interruption. Please report any issues (potentially with old IotMs) on the issue tracker. Note: We know it is slow (e.g. 4 day Normal without IotMs), that's on the KoL dev team for making a path that is a regular run + 253 adventures worth of delay.
38. Path of the Plumber it works. Requires you to eat manually. Fights as if you are a moxie build so if you do the pie trick with the diabolic pizza oven then it will not be able to do scaling battles until you gain enough moxie.
37. Kingdom of Exploathing
Should run without interruption. Please report any issues (potentially with old IotMs) on the issue tracker.
36. Two Crazy Random Summer
As the path has been reseeded multiple times since this path was the current challenge path, it is unlikely that this is well supported any more (if at all). Also as the seeds will change regularly as more effects are added to KoL, it is also unlikely support will ever be improved.
35. Dark Gyffte
it is ok. with lots of perm points (from doing that path before) and IOTMs it is a breeze. But with no IOTMs and low perm points it will keep on dying so you should do the first few runs manually
34. Disguises Delimit
can complete runs. It will die against every protest mask in the early run, requiring manual intervention for killing ed and naughty sorceress. At gremlins it aborts and tells the user to do them manually then rerun autoscend.
33. G-Lover
Should run without interruption. Please report any issues (potentially with old IotMs) on the issue tracker. Note: We know it is slow (e.g. 4 day Normal without IotMs), that's on the KoL dev team.
32. Pocket Familiars Previously extremely broken. Most of the time it fails to wear any equipment that it needs. Currently it gets confused with Non-Combats and loses combat occasionally, but with some coaxing a run is possible. Just make sure to watch it carefully (preferably with tourguide open) to make sure you catch it trying to go somewhere without the correct outfit and thus preventing wasted adventures
31. Live. Ascend. Repeat.
Tested with high IOTM account. A few infinite loops caught and fixed. Might be some other issues still lurking there, but otherwise it works.
30. License to Adventure
it is ok
29. Gelatinous Noob
it is ok
28. Nuclear Autumn
27. The Source
Should run without interruption. Please report any issues (potentially with old IotMs) on the issue tracker.
26. Avatar of West of Loathing
it is ok
25. Community Service
there is some really old and mostly outdated implementation. if you own any IOTMs that help make this path efficient then it is not recommended you run it on autoscend. Use sauceror class.
24. One Crazy Random Summer ??
23. Actually Ed the Undying
Should run without interruption. Please report any issues (potentially with old IotMs) on the issue tracker.
21. Picky
It is just like a partial standard run. should work fine.
19. Heavy Rains works well
18. Slow and Steady
works like a slow unrestricted run.
17. Avatar of Sneaky pete
it is ok. Room for improvement
16. Class Act II: A Class For Pigs
tested with pastamancer and no issues found. with no IOTM seal clubber the run took 9 days which is way too long. Needs optimization
autoscend can fully automate a kolhs run. It will also get the 1 permanent yearbook upgrade per ascension. It only drinks until 10 drunkness + drinks the steel margarita. You will need to manually drink the rest. It currently does not make use of saved by the bell buffs nor crafting. many IOTM and all skills permed account does 3 day HC and SC. 0 IOTM and low skill permed account does 5 day SC
14. BIG
Should run without interruption. Please report any issues (potentially with old IotMs) on the issue tracker.
12. Avatar of Jarlsberg
unplayable. It does not know how to fight. eating support minimally tested
11. Class Act
Should run without interruption. Please report any issues (potentially with old IotMs) on the issue tracker.
10. Zombie Slayer
zero implementation in autoscend... also needs better mafia support before we can even start on it.
9. Bugbear invasion It will finish most of the run but won’t do path specific stuff. With lots of copiers it is still possible to do 2day run by first running autoscend and then manually using all your copiers to manually do path specific fights.
8. Avatar of Boris:
as of 2021-04-12: boris is currently playable on autoscend. It might struggle in accounts with no iotms and low boris skill perms.
- it will only heal HP with laugh it off. fixing it to be able to use HP restoring items is nontrivial.
- if you are low on perms and low on iotms then manually do clancy quests, you will need the regen. mafia tracking is broken on this so we can't do the quest for you.
- on no IOTM account with low boris skill perms you might need to occasionally spend some turns in haunted bedroom farming meat, mox, and mus. and using your clovers on moxie (haunted ballroom).
- if you die to a ghost somewhere, manually eat until at your stomach fullness is at least 5 so that it can deal damage to it via heroic belch. (it does not use that skill unless at least at 5 stomach because that skill deals scaling damage based on stomach fullness. and it does not automatically eat for the purpose of belching at ghosts)
7. Trendy
works like a semi-unrestricted run. Can do a 2 day run
6. Way of the Surprising Fist
it mostly works, with manual interventions. Acquiring Teachings of the Fist needs to be done manually, as does unlocking hidden city buildings (no machete), and adventuring on the zeppelin (no ticket possible), and it gets stuck when it doesn’t have enough meat to buy something.
4. Bees Hate You
Should run without interruption. Please report any issues (potentially with old IotMs) on the issue tracker. Note: We know it is slow, that's on the KoL dev team.
3. Oxygenarian
This is a regular run where you cannot eat food or drink booze. Should run without interruption however we don't support using spleen to generate adventures so you will have to manually fill it (and it may end up used by more recent IotMs if you have them e.g. Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper, Space Jellyfish jellies etc.).
2. Teetotaler
This is just a regular run where you cannot drink booze. Should run without interruption.
1. Boozetafarian
This is just a regular run where you cannot eat food. Should run without interruption.