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Use these sources first, it's very likely that your issue is covered already.

Examples of how NOT to ask for help or report a issue
  • was using and stopped working
  • there was an error here, help
  • when i'm going to farm the xyz map it gives an error
  • i can't update
Examples of how to ask for help or report an issue correctly
  • Always post some log, in some cases ALAS saves the specific error log. Inside that folder you will find a .txt file with the most recent log and the latest screenshots of the game, for some errors it will be necessary to upload the entire folder, by default always send the last image in the folder (it is in chronological order)

2020-07-27 13:50:37.588 | INFO | Saving error: ./log/error/1595883037588`

  • Check if you are using the most recent version, many users report problems that have already been fixed, avoid doing this, check github feed or in doubt run updater in alas.bat, sometimes we're updating several times per day, stay tuned.
  • Give as much information as possible