World Hopper - LlemonDuck/runelite GitHub Wiki
The World Hopper plugin adds a sidebar panel listing all the Oldschool Runescape worlds, their regions, their activities, and their populations. Double-clicking any of the world entries will trigger a world hop to that world. In addition, this plugin adds a "Hop-to" menu option to the Friend's List and Clan Chat for players on other worlds. It also adds quick-hop shortcuts to hop to the next and previous worlds in the world list.
Quick-hop previous
When you press this key you'll hop to the previous world
Quick-hop next
When you press this key you'll hop to the next world
Quick-hop out of dangerous worlds
Toggles whether to hop to a PVP/high risk world when quick-hopping
Show world hopper sidebar
Toggles whether the world hopper panel should be added to the sidebar