Timers - LlemonDuck/runelite GitHub Wiki
Timers Configuration
The Timers plugin will show various timers in an infobox to the top left of the game window, and all timers can be switched on or off
The current timers available are:
- Antifire (+ extended)
- Superantifire (+ extended)
- Antidote+ (and ++)
- Anti-venom (and +)
- Stamina
- Sanfew Serum
- Overload (NMZ and raids)
- Prayer Enhance (raids)
- Cannon
- Imbued Heart
- Vengeance
- Magic Imbue
- Freezes (Bind, Snare, Entangle, Ice spells)
- Teleblock (full and half)
- Tzhaar (Inferno and Fight Caves)