Random Events - LlemonDuck/runelite GitHub Wiki

Random Events Configuration

leo with hidden menu options


Remove others' menu options

Removes the menu options for random events that are not yours.

Notification Settings

Notify on Surprise Exam

This option sends a notification whenever Mr. Mordaut wants you in his classroom.

Notify on Genie

This option sends a notification whenever the Genie wants to give you an Experience Lamp.

Notify on Drill Demon

This option sends a notification whenever Sergeant Damien wants you to get some exercise.

Notify on Freaky Forester

This option sends a notification whenever the Freaky Forester wants you to kill a pheasant.

Notify on Kiss the Frog

This option sends a notification whenever the frogs want you to kiss their ruling monarch.

Notify on Graveyard

This option sends a notification whenever Leo requires your presence at the Graveyard.

Notify on Mysterious Old Man

This option sends a notification whenever you are required in the Maze, Mime show or the Mysterious Old Man wants to give you an item.

Notify on Evil Bob

This option sends a notification whenever you are required at Evil Bob's Island.

Notify on Quiz Master

This option sends a notification whenever you are invited to play a game of Odd One Out.

Notify for all events

Notify for all events. This overrides any disabled option.