Emojis - LlemonDuck/runelite GitHub Wiki

Emojis displaying in the game chat panel

Substitutes typed emoticons to display emojis in the game chat panel and above players' heads.

Emoji Reference

Emoji Trigger Emoji Trigger Emoji Trigger
slight_smile :) joy =') cowboy 3:)
blush ^_^ smile :D grinning =D
wink ;) stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes X-P stuck_out_tongue :P
yum =P~ hugging >:D< triumph :>
thinking :‑? confused :/ neutral_face =|
expressionless :| unamused :-| slight_frown :(
frowning2 =( cry :'( sob :_(
flushed :$ zipper_mouth :-# persevere >_<
sunglasses 8-) innocent O:) smiling_imp >:)
rage >:( hushed :‑O open_mouth :O
scream :-@ see_no_evil X_X dancer \:D/
ok_hand (Ok) thumbsup (Y) thumbsdown (N)
hearts <3 broken_heart </3 zzz Zzz
fish <>< cat :3 dog =3
crab V(;,;)V fork_and_knife --E cooking --(o)
party_popper @@@ sweat ;; eyes O.O
pile_of_poo ~@~ fire (/\) alien (@.@)
eggplant 8=D wave (^_^)/ heart_eyes (*.*)
facepalm M-) pensive V_V acorn <D~
gorilla :G pleading (n_n) xd Xd
spoon --o weary_face Dx rocketship >==>