Testing - LivelyKernel/lively.next GitHub Wiki
Lively.next tests use the Mocha.js framework, which has been modified for SystemJS. The mocha-es6 package is used for SystemJS integration with lively.
Additionally, expect-js is used for BDD-like syntax. Tests thus look like this:
/*global describe,it*/
import { expect } from "mocha-es6";
describe("test-package", () => {
it("works", () => {
expect(1 + 2).equals(3);
By convention, tests are placed in the test
folder directly in the package root directory. Test files are named something-test.js
, with something
describing what the tests are about.
Test runner
The test runner currently does not work in CI. See https://github.com/LivelyKernel/lively.next/issues/219.