Packages in - LivelyKernel/ GitHub Wiki



  • JS doesn't know about packages but node invented it some time
  • a package is installable and is something you can actually ship
  • lively adopted having packages since it is a nicer way of handeling code
  • we group modules into packages so you can load the package and get all the modules out
  • package.json is a dictionary that has a lot of information about the modules and the structure of the modules
  • it defines how the packages looks like
  • whereas index.js knows how to export which modules

Creating a package it self

  • open a browser
  • click the + sign at the top of the browser
  • choose Create Package
  • enter a name and click ok

Making your package saveable

  • write in the index.js what should actually be exported
  • export {name} from ./name-of-module-file.js
  • also you can copy some package.json code for example:
  "name": "packagename",
  "version": "somenumber",
  "lively": {
    "isObjectPackage": true
  "dependencies": {},
  "devDependencies": {},
  "main": "index.js"
  • if isObjectPackage is set to true the package gets also serialized while false says that it can be found on the server
  • lively first looks whether packages are core packages or whether they are thirdparty packages
  • therefore it looks the packages up in lively.installer/packages-config.json
  • just insert your package name there
  • it is important to write the package name there while the repourl is not used at the moment
  • now you only need write import {name} from '[packagename]' in all of your code
  • AND the world can be saved and no package information is missing!! :+1: