Overview over lively.next Internals - LivelyKernel/lively.next GitHub Wiki

The Lively World

  • Conceptual:
    • A world is a "workbench". The place where everything is built.
    • Offers multiple workspaces between which can be navigated.
  • Technical:
    • The whole state is defined within the world.
      --> When saving and loading a world, the current state of the world is unaltered (in theory, see exceptions in section on Saving a world).
    • A world is independent from the browser.

Object Graph

  • Contains all JavaScript objects in the world.
  • Objects reference each other.
  • Is a cyclic structure.
    --> Cannot be directly serialized to JSON.

Saving a world

  • Takes a snapshot of the whole world state (in contrast to e.g. just saving changes).
  • Use starting point (the World).
  • Object Graph is traversed by serializer:
    • Serialize primitives directly (bool, string, number, ...)
    • Objects and their referenced objects are serialized recursively:
      • Newly created objects receive a unique Morphic ID from the serializer. This one will be unaltered for the lifetime of the object, even beyond saving and (re-)loading a world.
      • Objects alrady visited during the serialization process are remembered (via the object identity of the JS VM); recursion will be terminated at these, they will now be referenced via their Morhpic ID.
      • Traversion results in linearized graph. Cyclic dependencies are solved via Morphic IDs.
      • Linearized graph was serialized to JSON string while traversing.
  • Caveats: Not everything can or should be serialized
    • Custom objects are usually small and can be fully serialized.
    • Morphs are tricky; they contain references to renderer, meta state, ...
      • By default, all properties will be serialized --> not desirable
        --> Serializer checks for different getters, e.g. get __serialize_only__(), which either define properties to serialize or properties that should not be serialized
        --> Referenced objects that should not be serialized (that should be "pruned") can be added to the pruning process by implementing those special getters
      • Morphs with epiMorph = true will not be serialized, e.g. the toolbar
    • Types and classes should not be serialized recursively, since they may come from a large third-party module --> only the type info (path to class) is serialized together with the object
    • Closures (i.e. their contexts) cannot be serialized and will be lost
      • Module lively.lang/closures supports saving closures partially --> Types, classes, closures, ... need to be re-initialized upon loading of the world (see details at respective section).

Loading a world

  • Deserialization of JSON string to objects with Morphic IDs and properties. Starts at a given ID (usually the world).
  • Recursive (re-)construction of objects using the constructors of the respective classes --> results in world's object graph
  • Closures (i.e. their contexts) were not saved --> need to be re-initialized via property setters
  • Type definitions/classes were not saved (to give flexibility and optimize file size)
    • Module system of Lively allows to find respective classes easily (path to class was saved by serializer)
    • Breaks if path is no longer valid --> Migrations.js: Pre-Process of deserialization. Patchs unreferenced/no longer present classes within the given snapshot.

Coyping objects

  • When copying objects, the original JS object is serialized.
  • The copy is then instantiated from this JSON string.
  • During the serialization process, the Serializer creates a new Morphic ID for the copied object.

Synchronous work on same world

  • See section on versioning.

Versioning and data storage


  • Core elements of Lively are versioned via Git.
  • Changes in core modules need to be persisted via commits.


  • Everything within a world (everything that is serialized) is stored and versioned within a MorphicDB.
  • MorphicDB: LevelDB which supports interactions using an interface identical to CouchDB thanks to PouchDB
    --> ergo: MorphicDB is used like a CouchDB, but works using a LevelDB internally. All thanks to the magic of the JS library PouchDB.
  • When running Lively locally: Usage of LevelDB (with CouchDB interface)
  • When collaborating with others: Usage of remote CouchDB (set up on a shared server)
    • MorphicDBSynchronizer allows one to use remote CouchDB
    • Everything is still saved in local LevelDB
    • CouchDB runs on server
    • Synchronizer checks LevelDB periodically


  • Serialized world (JSON file), created by serializer.
  • Saved at:
    • lively.morphic/objectdb/morphicdb/snapshots
    • Directory contains sub-directories named after combinations of two hex digits.
    • These are buckets of all commits whose hash start with thes two hex digits.


  • A commit consists of:
    • Commit ID (path to JSON file containing the snapshot)
    • Commit info
      • Predecessor --> creates commit history
      • Author
      • Hash
      • Timestamp
      • Name
  • Saved in database at: lively.morphic/objectdb/morphicdb-commits (.ldb-file, LevelDB-file)

Discussion of used DB types

  • The conception MorphicDB seems rather complicated. We want to discuss the reasons.

Why CouchDB

  • CouchDB can detect differences between DBs --> synchronisation of worlds possible
    --> Usable for collaboration between multiple worlds
    --> Usually, a remote CouchDB (without underlying LevelDB) is set up on shared server
  • Caveat: Only compares commit IDs
    --> Can detect possible conflicts, but cannot merge/show diffs between commits
    --> Allows for sequential work in one world, only (as of now)

Why LevelDB

  • The setup of CouchDB is difficult.
  • Lively should be rather easy to set up.
  • LevelDB is easy to set up.
  • It's a match.
  • Especially useful for local instances.

Synchronous work on same world

  • Loading same world as two instances A and B at a time works without issues, since same snapshot is loaded.
  • Saving world A works without a problem, commit (and thus snapshot) is created as usual.
  • Saving world B:
    • Would raise warning, because commit from world A is not a predecessor and already present.
    • Options:
      • Cancel new commit.
      • Overwrite old commit from world A: New commit is appended to history. Old commit is not deleted (just overlaid by new commit) and could be restored.
      • Merge conflict resolution currently not possible.


  • Freezing a Morph/Object creates own world around it
  • Makes it loadable on it's own, without meta information on how to edit the object
  • Used to publish finished results


  • Lively works on a Virtual DOM, comparable to VueJS or React
  • Workflow: Browser requests animation frame --> render pass / render frame
    • Traverse Object Graph
    • Generate Virtual DOM Nodes
    • Render()
  • Advantages:
    • Rendering code is easy to write:
      • No concerns of sycnhronizity
      • Unidirectional data flow
    • Slight performance boost in certain situations:
      • Changes can are queued and then applied at once.
      • Only objects that changed need to be updated.
  • Disadvantages:
    • On every render pass, a big tree of objecs must be generated. --> New objects must be created, others deleted --> Garbage collector needs to run often --> power intensive
    • Problems with changes of objects:
      • Are not instantanious
      • Code may no be certain that changes have already been applied (e.g. that making a window fullscreen has already changed the object's extent in the next line) --> Requires waiting on next render frame (async)
        • whenRendered gives promise
        • await(this.whenRendered())
        • execute next code with JS promise syntax .then


  • All JS based, no CSS transitions
  • Change properties during animation via withAnimationDo, e.g.
    • change vertices of a path (e.g. for a sad smiley)
    • colors


  • Changing CSS in lively is possible
    • Don't do this!
    • CSS is overwritten anyway (since lively applies the properties using Inline-CSS)
      • Can be prevented with important, but causes side effects, as a Morph's properties are having no effect anymore
    • Demolishs the layer of abstraction that should have been achieved --> Does not allow the advantages of lively/morphic


  • Experimental feature
  • Normally, lively also loads all modules when loading a snapshot --> Requires a lot of meta information to be loaded (Source, Classes, AST, Depedencies, ...)
    • Takes a lot of time
    • But: Actually only required for objects that are changed in the system (i.e. newly developed features or adjusted objects) --> Not required for most objects (e.g. parts of the development system, like windows)
  • Idea: Similar to freezing
    • Only load everything needed to start, no meta information --> Does not allow editing of source code of those objects (e.g. system parts)
  • Current state:
    • Viewing source code possible
    • Load meta information on demand impossible (e.g. you cannot change that window behaviour, if you have used FastLoad)