Emacs extension org cuckoo - Liutos/cuckoo GitHub Wiki

Emacs Org-Cuckoo

A minor mode for interacting with cuckoo inside Emacs.


  1. Create cuckoo's notification for org-mode entries without leaving Emacs;
  2. Cancel a task automatically when removing an entry's SCHEDULED property;
  3. Synchronize cuckoo's tasks' state automatically.



Download the cuckoo repository. Assuming the local directory of cuckoo repository is /path/to/cuckoo/, add the following elisp code to your Emacs init-file.

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/cuckoo/contrib/emacs/")

(require 'org-cuckoo)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
(define-key org-mode-map "\C-clr" 'create-task-in-cuckoo)
(define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\C-s" 'cuckoo-org-schedule)

After setup, org-cuckoo will add two functions into org-after-todo-state-change-hook, which will be invoked when entry's keyword change to DONE or CANCELLED.


Shortcut Function
C-c l r Create a task and its remind for entry at point.
C-c C-s Invoke org-schedule and synchronize task's properties.


To change the default behavior for constructing detail field when create a task, assign the variable *org-cuckoo-default-task-detail-extractor* a function. For example, I set this variable for entry about animation progress

(defun extract-task-detail ()
  (let ((tags (org-get-tags-at)))
    (cond ((or (member "动画" tags)
               (member "阅读" tags))
             (outline-up-heading 1)
             (format "《%s》" (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))))
          (t ""))))

To change the default icon file when viewing tasks in following Workflow result

(setq *org-cuckoo-default-icon-file* "/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/Emacs.icns")