Alfred Workflow - Liutos/cuckoo GitHub Wiki

What can this Workflow do?

  • Keyword following for showing the following notifications;
  • Keyword callback for creating a new task and its notification;
  • Keyword delay for delaying a task's notification;
  • Keyword rlog for viewing the recent historical notifications.

Contrast with HTTP API, Alfred Workflows are more convenient and intuitive.


Download the latest version .alfredworkflow file from release page.

After downloading, double-click the .alfredworkflow file in Finder to import it into Alfred.

Fill the environment variable NODE_PATH the path of node command.

Open terminal and cd to the Workflow's directory, then run npm i for installing dependencies. After that, installation is finished.


Keyword following

Just type following in Alfred's input area

Keyword callback


Keyword callback has its own syntax.

callback date-and-time-or-interval brief [*repeat_type] [\device] [~duration]

date-and-time-or-interval is required, it controls the reminding time. It must be one of the following forms:

  • +1d 12:00 means reminding at 12 pm one day later;
  • 2021-01-01 00:00 means reminding at 2021-01-01 12 am;
  • 01-01 00:00 means reminding at 12 am, the first day of January this year;
  • 01 00:00 means reminding at 12 am, in the first day of this month;
  • 1 means reminding after one minute later;
  • 10:20 means reminding at 10:20 today.

brief is required, it's the brief field of the task. It can be anything textual.

repeat_type is optional, controls the repeated pattern of a notification. It must be one of the following forms:

  • daily, repeat every 24 hours;
  • hourly, repeat every hour;
  • minutely, repeat every minute;
  • monthly, repeat every month;
  • weekly, repeat every 7 days;
  • yearly, repeat every year;
  • every_X_days, repeat every X days;
  • every_X_hours, repeat every X hours;
  • every_X_minutes, repeat every X minutes;

device is optional, if set to mobilePhone, cuckoo will push notification to WeChat when reminding.

duration is optional, controls the display duration of a notification. Only supported in alerter reminder.

Keyword delay

Delay a specific task's reminding time, syntax is delay task-id interval-and-unit

  • task-id must be a valid id field of a task;
  • interval-and-unit must match the regular-expression [0-9]+[dhm]. For example, 1d means one day, 2h means 2 hours, and 3m means 3 minutes.

Keyword rlog

Just type rlog in Alfred's input area