Quick Start - LiuJie1117/MesKit GitHub Wiki

Prepare input files

To analyse with our packages you need to provide a set of input files, including:

  • Necessary details of samples;
  • Mutation information (MAF files);
  • Output files of Pyclone analysis (ccf files).

Here we give examples of details of samples and MAF files. And others you should prepare contain the output tables of Pyclone analysis (clusters.tsv and loci.tsv for cluster and locus specific information).

Information of samples

It should contain the sampleID, patientID, lesion and time.

sample patient lesion time
311252-S 311252 S -
311252-V 311252 V -
311252-TC1 311252 TC -
311252-TC2 311252 TC -
The MAF files
Hugo_Symbol Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Ref_allele_depth Alt_allele_depth VAF CDS_Change Protein_Change Tumor_Sample_Barcode
LOC729737 1 135207 135207 RNA SNP C C G 40 4 0.0909 NA NA 311252-S
TTC34,ACTRT2 1 2869474 2869474 IGR INS - CTCTCT 43 8 0.1568 NA NA 311252-S
NBPF1 1 16908223 16908223 Intron SNP T T A 142 8 0.0533 NA NA 311252-S
PRAMEF2 1 12921600 12921600 Missense_Mutation SNP C C T 73 3 0.0394 c.C1391T p.P464L 311252-S