MicroLauncher_Chapter_7_Internals - LittleWhite-tb/microperf GitHub Wiki
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This chapter is part of the MicroLauncher Manual.
The previous chapter is Chapter 6: Tips and Tricks.
There is no next chapter.
The last chapter of MicroLauncher's manual presents the tool's internals. It is destined for expert users or programmers who wish to modify or understand MicroLauncher's internals.
Section 1: General
The first section of the last chapter presents the code base, the hierarchy of folders, coding conventions and other programming generalities regarding the tool. The purpose of the section is to give insight on code structure and algorithms used.
What To Do ?
As a new programmer or contributor to MicroLauncher, the question of "What can I do?" often comes up. The simplest answer, as for any tool, is to download the tool and start hacking into it. Some are easy and the main contributors have not had the time to fix them. Features are also a good first point since they allow to extend the code base and provide users with something needed or requested.
The chapter explained how MicroLauncher is coded and what can be done as a programmer for the tool. It presented coding conventions and the various directories and files that compose the source base. Finally, a programmer or an expert user should know where to start tweaking and modifying the base behavior of MicroLauncher.
Index Navigation
This chapter is part of the MicroLauncher Manual.
The previous chapter is Chapter 6: Tips and Tricks.
There is no next chapter.