MicroLauncher_Chapter_4_User_Options_Section_2_Stand_Alone_Mode - LittleWhite-tb/microperf GitHub Wiki

Index Navigation

This section is part of Chapter 4 of MicroLauncher's Manual.

The previous section is Section 1: Kernel Mode.

The next section is Section 3: Common Options.


The current page presents user options for MicroLauncher regarding the stand-alone mode. Stand-alone mode is for full applications requiring a launcher for multi-core execution.


Application's File

The execname option defines the application's executable file. The file must be executable from an operating system standpoint or a compiler must successfully generate an executable file.



 ./microlaunch --execname superapp
 ./microlaunch --execname example/stand-alone-sleep.c

Configuration File

 <execName value="superapp" />

Executable Arguments

An application sometimes requires command-line arguments. The option execargs defines the arguments for the application and are passed to it when launched.


 ./microlaunch --execname superapp --execargs="-o output -i input.data"

Configuration File

 <execArgs value="-o output -i input.data" />

Executable Output

Certain applications output information to the user. To redirect the output into a file, the user may use the execoutput option.


 ./microlaunch --execname superapp --execoutput execOutput.log

Configuration File

 <execOutput value ="execOutput.log" />

Suppressing the Output

On the other hand, sometimes it is better to suppress the output of an application. To suppress an application's output, add the option suppress-output.


 ./microlaunch --execname superapp --suppress-output

Configuration File



Since a stand-alone application is independent from MicroLauncher, there are less options for tweaking execution behavior. However, the options available do provide the possibility to pin, run multiple instances, and modify the output behavior. The next section, Common Options, presents the common options between both modes.

Index Navigation

This section is part of Chapter 4 of MicroLauncher's Manual.

The previous section is Section 1: Kernel Mode.

The next section is Section 3: Common Options.