Weather Effects - Lithumist/PelletQuest GitHub Wiki

A particle weather system that simulates:

  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Sand Storms

It'd implemented by a particle system that renders above the level. Particles could be of different size squares and of different colours (blue, white and golden)

Each particle could have a slightly randomized shade of the base colour to add variety.

The weather system would randomly switch on and off for perioids of play to spice things up.

Care would have to be taken to not obscure gameplay otherwise players would find it very very very very very annoying when the weather comes on.

The main point of this is to impress the player with a particle system on startup when levels are in demo mode. In demo mode the weather system always starts on rather than normal gameplay when it starts randomly on or off. In demo mode the weather still switches.

The particles would move in the same basic direction, top left to bottom right. Individual particles would have slightly different directions to add depth and all dat