Core Game Design - Lithumist/PelletQuest GitHub Wiki
Outline of Gameplay
- Move in a Pacman style exploring a Zela like world.
- The player cannot kill any monsters, only avoid them
- In all walkable tiles there will be pellets which can be permanently eaten
- Player needs to have eaten a certain number of total pellets to progress to new areas (forcing exploration)
- When the player get's hit by an enemy the current map resets and the player looses a life, once all lives are lost the player respawns at a previous checkpoint with all lives restored. Different enemies will take different ammounts of lives off. Player has 3 lives.
- Game auto saves pellet count by itself but on a load game the player starts at the last obtained checkpoint.
- Object of the game is to collect all gems/pieces of shit scatterd around the world. When done a portal opens in some defined location and the player travels to it and goes in to an epic boss fight then wins then credits. On load game after boss fight player starts next to portal.
Possible Hook Idea
Pellets can be used to buy player upgrades:
- Movement speed increase
- Single use speed boosts (limited time)
- Lives
- Hidden collectable statues that can be selected from the pause menu to display some high res artwork of the statue. Doesn't have to be a statue tbh it can be anything that can be displayed. Even audio files.