TitledPanel - LiruJ/GuiCookie GitHub Wiki


A TitledPanel component can be added to a container element to automatically handle a panel with a title text bar at the top.

Element Properties

In order of retrieval:


The TitleBar is an ITextable representing the title bar of the panel.

This element is found as an immediate child of the TitlePanel's element with the name "TitleBar" in the OnPostSetup function.


The ContentArea is an Element representing the container for the content of the pane.

This element is found as an immediate child of the TitlePanel's element with the name "Content" in the OnPostSetup function.


The ContentSizeCalculator is an ISizeCalculator that is used to automatically scale the panel so that the content and title bar fit with no empty space (other than padding).

This is found in the ContentArea element as long as one was found. First, the controller of the element is used, if it is not an ISizeCalculator then TryGetInterfacedComponent is used to find the first ISizeCalculator component in the content element.

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