ProgressBar - LiruJ/GuiCookie GitHub Wiki
A ProgressBar handles updating the visuals of a SliceFrame to visually represent progress based on its properties.
float, OnCreated()
Gets or sets the respective value. Note that if the given MinimumValue is greater than the existing MaximumValue, or vice versa, no change will be made. If both values need to be set at the same time, use the SetMinimumAndMaximum(float, float) function instead.
float, OnFullSetup()
Gets or sets the main value of the progress bar, clamping it between the minimum and maximum values.
Gets or sets the value from 0 to 1 of the progress bar's value, where 0 is the minimum value and 1 is the maximum.
int, OnCreated()
Gets or sets the number of decimal places the value is rounded to.
Direction, OnCreated()
Gets or sets the direction of the progress bar.
Color?, OnCreated()
Gets or sets the respective colour of the fill. This overrides the SliceFrame named "Fill" of the element's base style variant, creating it if it does not exist.
Gets or sets the padding for the fill.
bool, OnCreated()
Gets or sets the value that determines the draw order of the frame and fill.
protected, virtual, void
This is called immediately after the value is changed and clamped between the minimum and maximum values, with the previous value being passed as an argument. This can be used to define custom behaviour when handling the changed values, and is used by the SliderBar controller to reposition the handle.
protected, virtual, void
This is called when the fill should be drawn, taking DrawFillBehind into account. By default, this draws the fill to represent the progress. Overriding this function allows for custom fill behaviour, for example; the SliderBar controller overrides this function to draw the fill so that the end is hidden by the handle.
public, void
Sets both the minimum and maximum values to the given values at the same time, clamping the main value in the process. If the given minimum value is greater than the given maximum value, no changes are made.