Pacemaker - LinuxUserGroupUWSP/RackMesa GitHub Wiki
#What ##Overview What is this service? What does it provide?
##Service Type Who is this service meant for? Is there a specific class it belongs to?
Consumer: Engineer
OSI Layer of Use: Data Link | Network | Transport | Application
#Why Why is it useful to LUG specifically? How is it better than alternatives?
#How ##Overview Brief description of implementation.
##Build ###Installation ####Per host Install pacemaker.
yum install -y pacemaker pcs resource-agents fence-agents-* fence-virt
Open firewall.
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
Create an "hacluster" user.
echo <PASSWORD> | passwd --stdin hacluster
####Executed on one node First, authenticate against all of the nodes.
pcs cluster auth node1 node2 -u hacluster -p CHANGEME --force
Next we set up the cluster.
pcs cluster setup --force --name pacemaker1 node1 node2
Lastly, we start the cluster.
pcs cluster start --all
###Setting Properties Now that we have a cluster, we can set properties and configurations. Example:
pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
Note: STONITH should be implemented.
###Managing Resources Resources are services the cluster provides. Creating resources is a one-liner.
pcs resource create <service_name> <standard>:<namespace>:<agent> op <operation> <settings>
pcs resource create my_first_svc ocf:pacemaker:Dummy op monitor interval=120s
Check the status of the resource/cluster.
pcs status