Overview - Link801/wsu-ceg4110project GitHub Wiki

What is SeeFood?

SeeFood is an pseudo artificial intelligence, coded in Python 2. SeeFood can accept any image and give feedback on whether or not the image contains food. What is that useful for?

  • Photograph new and unidentified substances to see if they are edible! Note that we are not responsible for any injury or death that may result.
  • Impress your friends!
  • Learn about machine learning!

The SeeFood Client

The program featured in this repository is a client-side application for interacting with the server-based SeeFood AI. With our app, there is no need to go through all of the hurdles of setting up an SSH connection with SeeFood using a command line. We've included some additional functionality (or quality of life features) that is guaranteed to improve your interactions with the SeeFood AI.