Task - Lingvokot/reddit-viewer GitHub Wiki
Task itself
Dev have to init project itself and commit initial changes.
Create simple reddit viewer on top of all subreddits: https://www.reddit.com/r/all/ Card is - post title with a border (don't bother on design, it not matters)
Load all cards (10 cards) on app launch in a (ListView)[http://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/using-a-listview.html]
On card tap open card viewer on new screen ( Navigator ), with button "back" on the top. (it's Navigation Bar)
On post view echo this info: post name (title), id, author, score, clickable href (open link handler - probably system web browser window - See linking )
When pressed on "back", return to all cards view.
When scrolled to the end of cards list ( (ListView#onEndReached)[http://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/listview.html#onendreached] ), open next page (next 10 cards) - infinite scroll
Reddit api
https://github.com/reddit/node-api-client But I don't checked - will it work under React Native or not Required things from it:
- PostsFromSubreddit to load posts from
Package management
Preferred it to use yarn
, but it will be nice to use npm