Troubleshooting Your Experience - LiminalVR/DeveloperWiki GitHub Wiki

Errors Running Your Experience as a .limapp Package

  • Crash on unloading

    • This may be due to a failure to deserialize AnimationCurves inside a [Serializable] class on instantiated objects. Workarounds include:
      • Make the field private and add the [NonSerialized] attribute
      • Move the reference into a component that doesn't use [Serializable]
      • Create the reference at runtime
  • Wrong or empty scene shown instead of Experience scene

    • This is normally due to more than one scene being marked for inclusion. Open the Experience scene in Unity then select Liminal -> Build -> Setup App Scene
      • This option may modify your scene structure, ensure you have a backup

.limapp Build Errors

  • AssetBundle not set / Input Error:

    • If this error appears, make sure your Experience app is configured properly.
    • Try running Liminal -> Build -> Setup App Scene.
  • Unable to build specific scenes

    • Open the scene you want to build and select Liminal -> Build -> Setup App Scene
      • This option may modify your scene structure, ensure you have a backup
  • AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly: 'UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

    • This is a result of UnityEngine.dll not being included in the .limapp package. See method requirements for more details.
  • Cannot mark assets and scenes in one AssetBundle. AssetBundle name is "appscene".

    • A folder containing has been marked as an AssetBundle by mistake.
  • ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded:

    • The limapp was built with an unsupported version of C#. We currently only support Scripting Runtime version (.NET 3.5). We do not support .NET 4.6.
    • A .DLL in the Experience project (for example included in a plugin) may be using .NET 4.6 which Liminal Platform does not support.
  • For general issues involving Assemblies/.DLLs, the Liminal -> Build -> List Included Assembly tool provides a way to see which Assemblies will be included in the .limapp.


  • FindObjectsOfType() may not work as expected when called from MonoBehaviour.Awake. When the Liminal App runs an Experience, GameObjects are disabled at the start of scene intialisation. FindObjectOfType() may therefore fail to include objects that have yet to be re-enabled.

  • Instantiation with null

    • If your object has any [Serializable] classes on the instantiated object, a quick fix may be to reference it from the scene instead of project. This seems to fix null issues.
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