QuickStart for SDK Integration - LiminalVR/DeveloperWiki GitHub Wiki
The Liminal Platform runs Experiences that are packaged using a custom file format called .limapp.
Unity 2019.1.10f1
Open Unity and create a new project.

Apply the following settings:
Build Settings
Files > Build Settings (Ctrl+Shift+B)
- Select Android and ensure that you have the Android build module installed.
- Use the
Switch Platform
button to switch to the Android build platform.
Player Settings
Edit > Project Settings > Player
- Expand the
XR Settings
panel and check theVirtual Reality Supported
checkbox.- Under
Virtual Reality SDKs
add Oculus then Daydream.- Set
Stereo Rendering Method
to Singe Pass (Preview)

Important: Make sure Oculus SDK is above DayDream on the list, as Unity selects which SDK to use based on the order.
- Expand the
Other Settings
panel and setPackage Name
to anything other than default * For example,com.liminal.sdkexample
- Set
Minimum API Level
toAndroid 7.0 (‘Nougat’)

Go to https://github.com/LiminalVR/LiminalSdk-UnityPackage and follow the steps.
This process will set your scene as the target scene, reconfigure your camera and create an avatar for the player.
Important: The Liminal SDK can only support one Unity scene.
- Open or create the desired scene and ensure it is saved.
- From the menu, select:
Liminal > BuildWindow > Setup App Scene
Important: The main camera is now the GameObject named VRAvatar > Head > CenterEye
. Remember to modify existing components and scripts to reference the correct eye and head GameObjects.
This process will generate a .limapp file of your scene.
Important: Open the console log before building your Experience. The build process can take a while, so be patient. Once complete, the log will display that the limapp build process was successful.
From the Liminal Build Window:
- Select the platform
- Click Build.
Important If you not on the Platform you selected, all assets will have to be imported again to the platform, so this process will take a long time. It is advised to build for your current platform.
Unity Package Manager prefabs cannot be modified we highly recommend creating a prefab with our VRAvatar prefab to maintain the link as well as have your own custom changes.