QuickStart for SDK Integration - LiminalVR/DeveloperWiki GitHub Wiki

The Liminal Platform runs Experiences that are packaged using a custom file format called .limapp.

Supported Unity Versions

Unity 2019.1.10f1

Step 1: Create a New Project

Open Unity and create a new project.

Step 2: Setting up your Project for Mobile VR

Apply the following settings:

Build Settings

  1. Files > Build Settings (Ctrl+Shift+B)
  2. Select Android and ensure that you have the Android build module installed.
  3. Use the Switch Platform button to switch to the Android build platform.

Player Settings

  1. Edit > Project Settings > Player
  2. Expand the XR Settings panel and check the Virtual Reality Supported checkbox.
  3. Under Virtual Reality SDKs add Oculus then Daydream.
  4. Set Stereo Rendering Method to Singe Pass (Preview)

Important: Make sure Oculus SDK is above DayDream on the list, as Unity selects which SDK to use based on the order.

  1. Expand the Other Settings panel and set Package Name to anything other than default * For example, com.liminal.sdkexample
  2. Set Minimum API Level to Android 7.0 (‘Nougat’)

Step 3: Installing the Liminal SDK or Updating the SDK

Go to https://github.com/LiminalVR/LiminalSdk-UnityPackage and follow the steps.

Step 5: Setup Application Scene

This process will set your scene as the target scene, reconfigure your camera and create an avatar for the player.

Important: The Liminal SDK can only support one Unity scene.

  1. Open or create the desired scene and ensure it is saved.
  2. From the menu, select:
Liminal > BuildWindow > Setup App Scene

Important: The main camera is now the GameObject named VRAvatar > Head > CenterEye. Remember to modify existing components and scripts to reference the correct eye and head GameObjects.

Step 5: Building the Limapp

This process will generate a .limapp file of your scene.

Important: Open the console log before building your Experience. The build process can take a while, so be patient. Once complete, the log will display that the limapp build process was successful.

From the Liminal Build Window:

  1. Select the platform
  2. Click Build.

Important If you not on the Platform you selected, all assets will have to be imported again to the platform, so this process will take a long time. It is advised to build for your current platform.

Quick Recommendation

Unity Package Manager prefabs cannot be modified we highly recommend creating a prefab with our VRAvatar prefab to maintain the link as well as have your own custom changes.

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