Setup - Liinx/TimeTokens GitHub Wiki

Install setup for the plugin

Install setup for a single Spigot server

  1. Buy the plugin.
  2. Put the jar in the plugins folder of your server.
  3. Start the server.
  4. Thats it the plugin will load and generate everything else.

Install setup for plugin for the Bungeecord network

  1. Buy the plugin.
  2. Put the jar on all of the backend servers in the plugins folder.
  3. Change the database-type field in the config file to MySQL on all of the servers.
  4. Set login info for the database on all the backend servers, make sure its exactly the same.
  5. Start the server.
  6. Thats it your backend servers are now linked to a single database.

You have to use MySQL database type if you wish to link all the backend servers on your network.

You need to have Java 8 or higher in order for plugin to work properly regardless of the setup you are using.
If you are using MySQL setup make sure that after you have setup plugin on all of the servers and turned all of them on, you log in to each of them(at least once) before opening it to the public.

Creating a sign menu

To create a sign menu all you need to do is write [TokenMenu] on the line 2 and put name of the menu on the line 3 and thats it.
You can configure the display layout of the sign in the config file by changing the following config values(the menu creating process above still remains unchanged).

 sign-menu-1: '---------------'  
 sign-menu-2: '> Click to open <'  
 sign-menu-3: '%menuName%'  
 sign-menu-4: '---------------'  

Tokens awarding per group

If you wish for the players with specific groups to receive different amount of tokens instead of the default value you can configure that for each group in the config file. In order to do that you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Create a child value under the tokens-per-rank field and name same as the group you wish to change the tokens amount.
  2. Add : after the name and insert the amount you with for that group to receive instead of the default amount.
  3. In the permission plugin of your choosing add the following permission for that group<GroupName>.

Note: Default group does not need<GroupName> permission because if the plugin cant find the said permission it will award players of that group the default amount of tokens.

How to use execute command

If you have mapped child value for command in the config file under the commands value like this for example:
give5000: eco give %playerName% 5000

And you wanted to give players option to exchange 5 tokens for 5000 currency. You would use the following command as execution for it:
/TT Execute <PlayerName> 5 give5000

This command can be used with %playerName% placeholder if you are using it in combination with some plugin that can execute commands on various actions like Item clicked in inventory, Sign clicked, Villager clicked, etc.

How to use boosters

Boosters are pretty simple to make and use, they are intended to help your server generate additional revenue as it is a nice item you can sell to players to help them out in progression on your servers.

Boost setup

In the config file of the plugin you will find boosting setup category named token-boost under it you can create your boosters. Here is a example of how a booster should look like:

    name: 'DoubleTime'
    boost-type: PLAYER_SPECIFIC
    multiplier: 2
    duration: 86400

0 Is the first empty number just make sure its not already taken by another boost.
name Is the boost name and the way you care going to be calling them make sure its one word you cant have spaces.
boost-type Is the type of boost there are 3 possible types that you can use:

PLAYER_SPECIFIC - affects only one player on all servers.  
SERVER_WIDE - affects all players on one server.  
NETWORK_WIDE - affects all players on all servers.  

multiplier Is the amount the users default token amount or rank amount(if he has one) is multiplied by.
duration Is the duration of the booster in seconds.

You need to have all of this fields in order for your booster to count and be used.

Booster usage

To use a booster you simple need to run GrantBoost command, for the example we created above we would do the following.
/TT GrantBoost ServerName DoubleTime Lynx

This will give DoubleTime boost that lasts 86,400 seconds or 24 hours to the player Lynx on all the servers and the message will say that ServerName granted the boost to Lynx.
Now the syntax for the command is a bit different depending on the boost type so here are examples for each boost type:
PLAYER_SPECIFIC - /TT GrantBoost <BoostActivator> <BoostName> <PlayerName>
SERVER_WIDE - /TT GrantBoost <BoostActivator> <BoostName> <ServerName>
NETOWRK_WIDE - /TT GrantBoost <BoostActivator> <BoostName>

Network boost does not need any additional arguments, Server boost does need server name to know on which server to be deployed on, you will need to use name you specified in your config file under the field server-name, Player boost needs player name to know on which players boost should be sent to.
Boost Activator is a field that is used to let players know who bought/activated the booster if you use plugins like Buy Craft you could set up the plugin to send message letting everyone know who is the player that bought the boost using boost activator by simple putting the buyer placeholder in the >BoostActivator> field. If on the other hand you don't use plugins that execute such command you can simply type whatever name you want three to be displayed as the boost activator.

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