Commands - Liinx/ParkourMaker GitHub Wiki


Before going over all of the available commands heres a few rules to keep in mind that should make things easier to understand.
All commands start with PM prefix but can also be replaced by ParkourMaker, Parkour aliases, prefix and commands are not case sensitive.
All arguments that are surrounded by < > are required and cannot be skipped.
All arguments that are surrounded by [ ] are optional and are not required for command to work.

List of all the available commands

Admin Commands:

/PM SetLobby - Sets the lobby location for the all parkour maps.
/PM CreateParkour <Name> - Used to create parkour map with the given name, keep in mind that name has to be unique.
/PM SetDisplayName <Name> - Sets display name for the currently edited map that will be used in messages.
/PM SetStart - Sets the starting point for the map you are currently editing on the same spot where you are standing.
/PM SetFinish <Type> - Sets finish point for the map you are currently editing based on the type you put.
/PM SetFinishTeleprt - Sets location where player will be teleported after finishing currently edited map.
/PM AddCheckpoint <Type> <Position> [Name] - Adds the checkpoint for the currently edited map on the given position.
/PM AddFallzone <Name> - Adds the fall zone for the currently edited map.
/PM AddReward <Command> - Adds reward for the currently edited map in a form of a command.
/PM SetRewardType <Type> - Sets rewarding type for the currently edited map.
/PM SetCooldown <Type> <Amount> - Sets cooldown for ether joining or receiving rewards for the currently edited map.
/PM SetStartMessage <Message> - Sets tittle message that will be displayed at the start of the currently edited map.
/PM SetFinishMessage <Message> - Sets tittle message that will be displayed at the finish of the currently edited map.
/PM SetAttempts <Amount> - Sets the amount of attempts a player has for the currently edited map.
/PM AddSignText <Line> <Text> - Sets certain line for parkour join sign for the currently edited map.
/PM EditMap [Name] - Enters the specified map editor mode or exit if already in one.
/PM Delete <Feature> [Identifier] - Can be used to delete a certain feature of a parkour map or the entire map.
/PM Toggle <Name> - Disabled or enabled map for player to be able to play it.
/PM Reload - Reloads the plugin config, messages and map files.

User Commands:

/PM Lobby - Teleport a player to the lobby location.
/PM List - Displays all parkour maps.
/PM Info - Displays information about a parkour map.
/PM Join <Name> - Joins a named parkour map if its enabled.
/PM Time <MapName/PlayerName> [PlayerName] - Displays best time for maps or players.
/PM Checkpoint - Teleports player to the latest checkpoint if hes in the map
/PM Help - Displays help page with all the commands.

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